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Arborist & Preservation Reports
Get the information and paperwork you need

Arborist Reports

Arborist reports are written examinations, recommendations, or consultations of selected trees in the landscape.

Often cities, municipalities, estates, Hoa's, apartments, commercial properties, and residents will require an Arborist report for pruning, removal, hazard, or health evaluation. Most cities require an Arborist report along with the application for a tree removal permit.

We have years of experience in acquiring the needed information to develop an informative and valuable Arborist report.

Arborist reports range from one paragraph to a fifty page report. The report contains a full examination of the tree roots, trunk, leaves, structure, and health, as well as the location and site conditions. Photos of the trees and a site plan will usually accompany each report.

Tree Preservation Report

Often during construction, landscape installation, or after major plant injury either the contractors or homeowner will seek an expert opinion on the optimal approach to preserving trees or plants on the site. A tree preservation report will provide guidelines and recommendations on preserving the trees and proper uptake to maintain health and vigor. Allowing our Arborist to work the the architect or contractor of the site and develop proper guidelines of preserving the trees natural environment will result in healthy and safe trees that will be around for years to come.

We are fully certified & insured!
Certified Arborist #WE-8846A
Contractor Lic. #985639
Qualified Applicator Lic. #138201
Bonded #100226718
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Arborist & Preservation Reports